Weather. net radar map loop
Weather. net radar map loop

weather. net radar map loop

(Landslides: small = less than 25-m road or less than 5 people affected moderate = between 25- and 100-m road or between 5 and 10 people affected and big = more than 100 m of a road or more than 10 people affected. The size of the marks is based on the strength of the event. Coordinates UTM 17S are given in kilometers. Coordinates UTM 17S are given in kilometers.ĭaily precipitation maps for the time period 25–, including reported landslides and flooding events in southern Ecuador (region 7 = provinces: El Oro, Loja, and Zamora-Chinchipe data from SGR). Convergent structures are also visible close to where the strongest rainfall was registered on that day. Westerly flow dominated the southern parts of the province of Loja and Zamora. (bottom) Observed daily rainfall (dB R) of official INAMHI stations (Ayapamba, Chirimachay, ColT, Gonzanama, Izhcayrrumi cabecera, and Macará randomly chosen), which were not used for radar rain retrieval, compared to (a) uncorrected daily radar rainfall (dB R) and to (b) corrected daily radar rainfall (dB Z) presented in a common logarithmic scale.Īverage daily motion vectors derived from rain cell tracking for. (top) Rainfall totals for the EN period 25– as seen by RadarNet-Sur (areas of overlap are bilinearly interpolated and the maximum value set at each grid cell coordinates UTM 17S are given in kilometers). The x– z cross section of relative humidity (%, shaded) and wind field in u– w directions (m s −1, vectors) at 4°S for (a) 25 Mar and (b) using the ERA-Interim data ( Dee et al. Shading indicates anomalies relative to the 1981–2010 base period. (b) Mean and anomalous zonal wind field (m s −1), and (c) sea level pressure (hPa) for 25– using the ERA-Interim data ( Dee et al. Hatched areas indicate regions where the SST is above the 95th (and below the 5th) percentile of the 1981–2010 distribution. (a) Anomalous SST (K, shaded) for 25– using the NOAA high-resolution SST data ( Reynolds et al. Coordinates universal transverse Mercator (UTM) zone 17S ( x and y axis) are given in kilometers. Also, the radar data better represents the orographic enhancement of rainfall on the eastern slopes. Significant extrapolation errors occur in the official rainfall map, such as severe underestimation in large swaths of the higher mountain ranges (e.g., between Vilcabamba and Zamora), which are a very important water supply area. LAWR data are taken from the LOXX instrument formerly situated on the Cerro del Consuelo close to the ECSF station (4☀0´S, 79☀3´W 3,180 m MSL Rollenbeck and Bendix 2006). (top) Official map of INAMHI 1964–2000 and (bottom) LAWR radar observations 1998–2009. Ĭomparison of average annual rainfall totals for the ECSF area based on extrapolated rain gauge data (INAMHI) and radar rain retrievals (LOXX radar), superimposed to a DEM. Drizzle conditions are much more frequent in the high altitude areas of the Cajas National Park where the prevailing easterly airstream meets the unsheltered east-facing slopes of the western cordillera. Occurrence of rain types for very high elevations (La Virgen station) and the midelevation site (Balzay station) in the CAXX radar area observed with LPM data. Because of the heterogeneous structure, different tools were employed for execution of control (TeamViewer, remote desktop/SSL network extender) and for data synchronization (GoodSync, Google Drive). 6) LPM and AWS at La Virgen and 7) LPM at Balzay (for CAXX radar).ĭata flow diagram of the three radar instruments. 4) Biral VPF-730 and 5) MRR-2 at the Laipuna field station in the mountain dry forest (for GUAXX radar). Instruments at the disdrometer sites: 1) Biral VPF-730, 2) MRR-2 and OTT Parsivel, and 3) Automatic Weather Station (Campbell) in the ECSF area of the mountain rain forest (for LOXX radar). (top left) X-band scanning instruments of RadarNet-Sur: radar GUAXX RS120 RAINSCANNER on Cerro Guachauro (3,100 m MSL), (top right) GUAXX radar processing unit with backup power supply, (bottom left) radar LOXX LAWR at El Tiro (2,850 m MSL), and (bottom right) radar CAXX RS120 RAINSCANNER on Cerro Paraguillas (4,450 m MSL). Gray hatching denotes areas with complete beam blockage (radar shadows) due to higher terrain. (right) Disdrometer sites are Laipuna (L) for the GUAXX radar, ECSF (E) for the LOXX radar, and La Virgen (V) as well as Balzay (B) for the CAXX radar. The meteorological stations are operated by INAMHI, the universities of Cuenca (UC) and Loja (UTPL), ETAPA EP, and the German research program PAK823–825. (left) Coverage and position of RadarNet-Sur.

Weather. net radar map loop